
DISCLAIMER: The information provided herein is in relation to a role playing game based on a fictional book series. None of the information provided herein should be used to treat yourself or your pets. Please consult someone trained in first aid, Human Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, or another appropriate professional before attempting to treat a living creature.
Cat Given Name : Borage
Other Name(s) :
Description :

A plant with a height of 60-100cm, covered in bristles or hair on it’s stems and leaves. The leaves are alternate, simple and about 5.15cm long. The flowers are small, blue or pink, and constructed of five narrow, triangular-pointed petals.

Properties :

Excellent for lung complaints, fevers, and related problems. Parts of the plant are commonly used to aid queens in lactating.

Related Knowledge
Complaints : Burn, Blackcough, Chronic Cough, Greencough, Pregnancy, Whitecough,
Symptoms : Fever, Inadequate Milk Supply, Weakness,
Species :
Seasonal Availabilities by Territory *
* To find a plant that is not available in an area, it must first be approved by the Game Admins. Please PM one of the Admin Team for that permission.
^ The listed seasons are those in which the herb is ready in some way for harvest. Consult the collection methods below for details.
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Collecting & Storing Leaves
When to Collect : Greenleaf thru early Leaf-bare
How to Collect : Fresh leaves of good color should be plucked from the plant.
How to Preserve : N/A - Leaves should only be used fresh.
How to Store : N/A - Leaves should only be used fresh.
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Collecting & Storing Roots
When to Collect : Mid to late Newleaf
How to Collect : Dig the roots of new growing plants, selecting those not over-soft or worm-eaten.
How to Preserve : The roots should be washed, then laid in full sun until fully dried.
How to Store : Store in neat piles in a cool, dry place.
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Collecting & Storing Seeds
When to Collect : Leaf-bare
How to Collect : When the flowers go to seed, the seeds should be collected as they are ready to from from the flower heads.
How to Preserve : The seeds should be dried slowly in the shade to best preserve their healing powers.
How to Store : Store in neat piles in a cool, dry place.
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Detailed Usage Information
Leaves : Should be consumed to support the system and defend the heart when the body is under strain. [restrict level="PID Member"][ EDIT ][/restrict]
Leaves : May be consumed to stave off fevers. [restrict level="PID Member"][ EDIT ][/restrict]
Leaves : May be consumed by a nursing queen to help build milk supply. [restrict level="PID Member"][ EDIT ][/restrict]
Roots : May be consumed to stave off fevers. [restrict level="PID Member"][ EDIT ][/restrict]
Roots : Should be consumed to support the system and defend the heart when the body is under strain. [restrict level="PID Member"][ EDIT ][/restrict]
Seeds : May be consumed by a nursing queen to help build milk supply. [restrict level="PID Member"][ EDIT ][/restrict]