The mysterious deaths have been unraveled!

After so many met sudden, disturbing ends at the paws of a mysterious illness the truth has been revealed. Boldstar of RiverClan died suddenly and violently over a meal in camp. Young Medicine Cat’s Apprentice Nettlepaw rose above his station and was able to learn the cause: A lumpy, green mass in the stomachs of some of the fresh-kill.

After the news is shared at the gathering the following night all of the clans breath a sigh of relief. StarClan willing the rest of the Year of Promised Prey will pass calmly. If only young Moosestar wasn’t reporting an increase in rogue activity.

With joy the clans pray the reprieve lasts…

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The world of CoSC features a forest where the illustrious Rusty never set foot. Instead the four clans have existed for what feels like time eternal: Keeping borders, raising apprentices, and staying alive. This reviewed warriors universe focuses on the tribal, visceral vibe of the earliest books, taking it one step further to give birth to a version of Warrior Cats where choices matter and human morals don’t apply.

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Medicine Cat's Meeting
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Leader: Moosestar
Deputy: Kestrelswipe
Med. Cat: Tigerrush
M. C. App.: Unfilled [ APPLY ]


With Cheetah’s Flight becomes new growth; Moosestar has finally chosen Kestrelswipe as his Deputy. Even with such a positive, ThunderClan has still been on high watch, specifically for rogues, which have been daring to get closer and closer to ThunderClan’s camp.. 

Moons before, there has also been a multitude of odd deaths, all of which seem to suggest a form of unknown illness.. Despite such odd occurrences, ThunderClan focuses on it’s rogue-laiden borders.. It’s only the future which can tell whether this will come back to bite them, or not..

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Leader: Boldstar
Deputy: Coldgaze
Med. Cat: Willowfrost
M. C. App.: Nettlepaw


The Riverclan kits grow strong. Nettlepaw and Mintpaw continue their hard lessons into their apprenticeships, of which the hardest seems ton be the loss of their mother, Duckfeather, who died mysteriously in the middle of camp. Mistykit is adopted into Riverclan from the unusual dealings at the Gathering.

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Leader: Fawnbriar
Deputy: Aspenberry
Med. Cat: Rowanglade
M. C. App.: Piperpaw


A strange, odd-eyed rogue brings ill tidings of Badgerstar’s fate – stolen away by Two-Legs where he can no longer lead his clan, leading to unusual circumstances within the ranks of Windclan. Fallkit is adopted into Windclan after the Gathering’s events. Death claims Skyeyes, stealing her away to Starclan prematurely… Only time will tell if answers will be revealed.

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Leader: Palestar
Deputy: Dawnflurry
Med. Cat: Flutterdream
M. C. App.: Unfilled


Ashpaw and Sootpaw continue to make gains under their mentor’s teachings. Clovershine’s brood gains one more due to the adoption of Murkkit after the events of the Gathering. Much to Palestar’s dismay, Petalstorm’s body is discovered on the marsh, cause of death unknown. Will more take their toll on the clan?

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