Copyright Details

Source Series Copyright

  • The ‘Warriors’ Book Series was created by Victoria Holmes.
  • The Series is Written by Kate Cary, Cherith Baldry, and Tui Sutherland under the penname ‘Erin Hunter’.
  • The Series is copyright © Working Partners Limited and published by Harper Collins Publishers.

Game Copyright

  • The source game, Children of StarClan: Champions of the Forest, possesses the following copyrights:
  • Chosen of StarClan is held under the following copyrights:
    • Chosen of StarClan: A New Dawn is © 2019 – 2023 Kitsufox & Rinayla
    • Chosen of StarClan: Prey Will Kill is © 2023 – 2024 Kitsufox & Faux
  • All submissions offered through Project Information Drive are:
    • © 2010 – 2018 Children of StarClan & the Donating Player for the “Children Years”
    • © 2019 – 2024 Chosen of StarClan & the Donating Player for the “Chosen Years”
  • All character concepts are Copyright © 2019 – 2024 Their Respective Creators.
  • The exact text of all character sheets & RP Posts are Copyright © 2019 – 2024 Chosen of StarClan.
  • Game Maps & Project Imagery Lineart is © 2005 – 2024 Kitsufox

Other Copyright

  • All information gleaned from the Warriors Series but displayed here falls under the Copyright © of the Source Series.
  • All game information displayed here, including rules & created canon, falls under the Copyrights © indicated in Game Copyright.
  • All character concepts are Copyright © in accordance with information given in Game Copyright.
  • All supplemental character text is Copyright © 2019 – 2024 Chosen of StarClan.
  • All layout images created for this site are Copyright © 2019 – 2024 Kitsufox.