
Kitsu has this on her radar, and knows it's broken. It will be fixed as soon as she has more time. In the mean time, consult the allegences tab.
Leader: | Unfilled |
Deputy: | Unfilled |
Med. Cat: | Unfilled |
M. C. App.: | Unfilled |
With Cheetah’s Flight becomes new growth; Moosestar has finally chosen Kestrelswipe as his Deputy. Even with such a positive, ThunderClan has still been on high watch, specifically for rogues, which have been daring to get closer and closer to ThunderClan’s camp..
Moons before, there has also been a multitude of odd deaths, all of which seem to suggest a form of unknown illness.. Despite such odd occurrences, ThunderClan focuses on it’s rogue-laiden borders.. It’s only the future which can tell whether this will come back to bite them, or not..
Hail, brother, the distant thunder is nothing but hearts beating as one. – Patti Smith
ThunderClan of the books is a Clan devoted to peace and respect, with no fear of challenging the code to do as they please. They take in kittypets without regard for tradition and blood purity while claiming it is StarClan’s will.
CoSC’s ThunderClan is rather different. While they do tend to be cats who are not outwardly aggressive, they do so while upholding to the words of the code that they have been taught since they were very young. They are experts at both ambush hunting and fighting, knowing the code does not call for a face to face fight but instead that the borders be kept protected.
The majority of ThunderClan’s territory is covered in forests, though there are a few notable exceptions: First off is the open, stone filled clearing called snakerocks. Near to that, by the road is the East Clearing. By the tiny stream that branches off the Sidestream is the stream clearing. The single largest open space surrounds the Owltree, on the approach towards Fourtrees. Also notable is the clearing near sunningrocks, where ThunderClan Territory juts into RiverClan’s territory.
The forests run rich with mice, voles, squirrel and birds. Small fish run in the Sidestream, and most ThunderClan cats know the rudiments of fishing. The bits of open land in the territory play host to rabbits, and the occasional water vole can be found at Sunningrocks.
ThunderClanners, unlike their book counterparts, are more quiet cats. They are a healthy mix of aggressive Fierceblooded, and diplomatic, defensive felines. While the leadership calls for a defensive strategy towards handling the outside clans, not all of ThunderClan agrees.. which has lead to a bit of political instability within ThunderClan.
Being forest-dwellers, ThunderClanners are often known for their brown, black, or tortoiseshell colors which blend better in the scattered colors of their thick forests, though creams, tans, and whites are sometimes dotted through their ranks. ThunderClanners also trend to be around average to smaller in size, with muscular, lanky cats that are able to skitter through and hide in ThunderClan’s underbrush with ease.
ThunderClan Allegiances
Home to 24 cats, of which 11 are Male, 13 are Female, and 0 are other biological genders.
Rank | Members |
Moosestar (A lanky, dark brown tom with yellow eyes and ripped-up ears) |
Kestrelswipe (A fit, chocolate broken mackerel tabby tom with yellow eyes) |
Tigerrush (A petite, brown striped she-cat with cream underside and green eyes.) |
Cottonlily (A solidly built black and white tuxedo she-cat with hazel eyes) Mistyleaf (A large, longhaired classic torbie she-cat with hazel eyes and ear tufts) Wrentalon (A muscular brown tabby tom with hazel eyes and a scarred shoulder) |
Stormfall (A longhaired muscular, blue silver classic tabby and white tom with yellow eyes) Quailcall (A small red ticked bicolor she-cat with large ears and whispery voice) Shadefrost (A gray eyed tuxedo tom with a scar on the back of his head) Savagefox (A svelte green-eyed tom with a red tabby bicolor pelt) Leopardrose (A scarred, sepia, silver charcoal Bengal she-cat with aqua eyes) Greypebbles (A longhaired, small gray spotted tabby tom with a bobbed tail and gray eyes) Spidertongue (A black broken mackerel and white tabby tom with orange eyes) Brindlespice (A mostly blue dilute tortie she-cat with bright amber eyes) Dovethorn (A dilute tortoiseshell she-cat with a cream blaze and green eyes) Larchsong (A cream tabby and white she-cat with green eyes) |
Coyotepaw (An orange-eyed, lilac ticked tabby she-cat with primal markings) |
Cherrytree (A tiny, mostly white she-cat with greying, red markings, plumed tail, & blue eyes) Maplesprig (A cream van tom with a kinked tail) Adoptable! Gingerthrash (A scarred ticked lilac caramel tomcat with amber eyes) Greenfang (A lanky brown she-cat with green eyes.) Bravesong (A one-eyed, scarred black tuxedo tom with a twisted right forepaw) |
Wildcry (A fierce lilac caramel ticked tabby she-cat with a single amber eye.) Sunstrike (An angular, red ticked bicolor she-cat with copper eyes) |
Finchkit (A rich, red ticked tabby tom with hazel eyes) Robinkit (A mostly white, ticked black and ginger caliby she-kit with yellow eyes) Rimekit (A solidly built silvery fawn ticked tabby she-kit with mismatched eyes) |
This group uses the Warrior Clans Rank System.
Local Herbs by Season
Colt's Foot
Kit's Ear
Little Daisy
Red Dock
Water Dock
Yellow Dock
Kit's Ear
Little Daisy
Red Dock
Water Dock
Water Mint
Territory and Maps
ThunderClan Camp
A large outcropping of stone in the center of the camp. Two small caves within the stone form leader’s and medicine cat’s dens. Over the top of the Leader’s Den is a smooth, flat area where the Leader traditionally stands to call together the Clan for a meeting.
Leader’s Den
A small cave in the Highrock, sheltered by the growth of vines and other vegetation. This provides a private place for the leader that stays relatively cool in greenleaf, and nicely warm in leaf-bare.
Medicine Cat’s Den
A small cave in the Highrock that lies opposite of the leader’s den. The entrance is more open than the leader’s den, with a few small bushes near the entrance that provide good cover for ailing cats who must stay near the den. Within are two different chambers that provide a place for the medicine cat (and it’s apprentice) to sleep in addition to storage space for Herbs.
Warrior’s Den
Formed with walls of sticks, brambles and other such vegetation, the den is not as secure as the leader’s and medicine cat’s den but still provides excellent protection for the cats that call it home. The entrance looks out on the fresh-kill pile and elder’s den, and the floor is of sand covered in soft moss.
Apprentice’s Den
Much like the warrior’s den, though on a smaller scale, the apprentice’s den is almost identical. The stick and bramble walls and ceiling provide cover and protection from the elements for creatures that sleep within on the sand and moss floor.
Built away from the main wall of the camp, the walls of the nursery have been built to be more solid and much fuller than the primary outer wall and the walls of the warrior and apprentice dens. Here the sandy floor is covered in moss, but the nests in that moss are lined with warm fur and feathers from the kills made by apprentices and warriors. The queens of the Clan reside here along with their young kits.
Elder’s Den
A large fallen tree that’s gone hollow with age, the elder’s den is possessed of little construction by cats’ paws. Instead, nature has provided an almost perfect place for the oldest cats in the Clan to live. It’s thickly lined with mosses, fur and feathers so that it’s occupants will be less likely to take a chill.
Fresh-kill pile
A small pile of slain prey items that lay in a small depression in the largest open area of the camp. Because of its placement, a returning hunter must parade past the apprentices’, warriors’ and elders’ dens to deposit their kills.
River’s Edge
Tresspass Point
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Geography: The point where ThunderClan Territory meets both RiverClan and WindClan.
Description: Nothing sets this small chunk of territory apart save for the multitude of clan-scents that mark the ground near the Rockpath and on the nearby bushes. WindClan, RiverClan, and ThunderClan scents mingle heavily, with faint traces of ShadowClan (the only evidence of the dares so popular amongst the Clan’s apprentices). |
Fourtrees Approach
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Geography: The point where ThunderClan Territory meets both RiverClan and WindClan.
Description: Nothing sets this small chunk of territory apart save for the multitude of clan-scents that mark the ground near the Rockpath and on the nearby bushes. WindClan, RiverClan, and ThunderClan scents mingle heavily, with faint traces of ShadowClan (the only evidence of the dares so popular amongst the Clan’s apprentices). |
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Geography: A large maple tree located between the rockpath and the Stream Clearing on the open ground before the RiverClan border with the River Copse to the west.
Description: A massive maple tree that stands on a stretch of open grass. A hole in the trunk is home to a large tawny owl that can be a danger to kits and small apprentices. |
Stream Clearing
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Geography: A small, short-lived stream that splits from the river near the sidestream and cuts into a ThunderClan territory.
Description: While not particularly long, many small fish congregate in this shade section of shallow stream that has split off the main river. The clearing around the stream is rich with grass and moss in the summer, but it is one of the first sections of the river to freeze in winter. |
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Geography: A small stream that splits from the river shortly after the bridge and flows through ThunderClan territory into ShadowClan.
Description: A thin stream that flows slowly towards ShadowClan territory. During spring and fall it runs rich with smaller fish that use the shallower water to hide from larger fish. |
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Geography: A place on the East Bank between the Upper and Lower Portions.
Description: A flat, rocky area tucked into a bend in the river where it runs deeply. Large stones litter the ground and create wonderful places for a cat to sun itself in addition to a multitude of hide-y-holes for mice and voles. |
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Geography: the patch of forest in the northernmost forested section of ThunderClan territory surrounding the Sidestream and directly above camp, the Sandy Hollow and the Stream Clearing.
Description: A patch of dense forest made up primarily of elm and maple trees. |
Sandy Hollow
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Geography: A small clearing in between Northforest and Westforest near a curve in the Sidestream.
Description: A small clearing with a sandy floor. The trees that surround it are predominantly oaks and elms, but a large pine does tower above the other surrounding trees. |
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Geography: The forest from just east of the Sandy Hollow to shortly before the East Clearing.
Description: A broad swatch of forest dominated by oaks, elders, elms and other leafy trees. It brushes up against the little Thunderpath and provides a good place for hunting. |
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Geography: A large area of forest spanning from just beyond to the big pine down to the southern RiverClan Border.
Description: A broad swatch of forest dominated by oaks, elders, elms and other leafy trees. The little Thunderpath stands to the east side, while open riverbank and Sunningrocks is to the west. At the south edge is the border with RiverClan. |
Thunderpath Clearing
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Geography: A narrow clearing that runs alongside the big Thunderpath from the sidestream in northforest to snakerocks.
Description: On the north side of the clearing is the Thunderpath, with it’s pebbled shoulders and damp ditches, but the open, grassy space itself is rich in birds and other animals that prefer the forest edges. |
Great Sycamore
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Geography: A large tree that stands in a clearing above Eastforest between ThunderClan camp and Snakerocks.
Description: A tree of an impressive size drowns out all other growth and stands in a clearing created by it’s own majesty. The huge sycamore stands overlooking Snakerocks and providing a place for the creatures to escape the summer heat. |
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Geography: A clearing surrounded by the Great Sycamore, Eastforest, the Twoleg’s Trees, and the Thunderpath.
Description: A rock littered clearing known for the snakes that populate it. It is also an excellent place to hunt mice that dart amongst the rocks in the mornings before the adders grow active. |
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Geography: A patch of forest that butts up against the straight lines of the Twoleg trees that lie to the east. On the west side, this forest tails over the top of the east clearing, which lies to the south of it.
Description: A forested patch that is thick and leafy, full of underbrush and old growth. Wild oak and sycamore trees live alongside young and gangly apple trees, joined by the occasional more domestic species of tree, escaped and gone wild from the orchard. |
East Clearing
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Geography: A small clearing between Eastforest and the Twoleg’s Trees with the Small Thunderpath to the south.
Description: A small grassy clearing that is used every leaf-fall by twolegs gathering fruit and nuts from the Twoleg’s Trees. The clearing makes for decent hunting of squirrels moving between Eastforest, the Twoleg’s Trees and Tallpines. |
Twoleg’s Trees (Orchard)
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Geography: An organized line of fruit trees located between Eastforest, Snakerocks and Twolegplace.
Description: Ordered lines of trees stand in unnatural rows. The grass beneath them is kept short by Twolegs, who also come to gather the fruit and nuts the trees drop. |