Fallkit |
Kit of WindClan | ||
Living at the age of 5 Moons (0.4 Years)
Short Description: |
A classic seal point tabby tom-kit with pale blue eyes |
Long Description: | Fallkit is a seal tabby point tom with short fur and blue eyes. His tabby patches reach about halfway up his legs before fading completely, while only the very tip of his tail is touched. The tail tip and ears are a very dark brown, with his tabby stripes almost indistinguishable. His eyes, framed by a circular face, are always wide and curious. As he grows, a sturdiness will develop along with some strength. |
Fallkit is a curious, eager cat, albeit a little shy. He holds his tongue while watching everything around him, taking in the other cats in his community. Though he’s not fully conscious of it, he carries a deep fear and loneliness from losing both the dame and littermates he’s spent the first six weeks of his life with. His absence of both a sire and dame in his kithood makes him look for mentor-like figures whenever he gets into scrapes. He values that connection that reaches deeper than simple friends or acquaintances, and is always trying to find new ones to satisfy him. Though eager to learn and try new things, he tends to contain his excitement in an effort to be polite, though sometimes he struggles in that aspect, and ends up quietly shifting with anxiousness. As a kit, he does not understand or remember much about the confusing circumstances he’s found himself in, but he is constantly amazing himself with his own developing abilities, and remains a rather happy, normal-seeming kit. |
Key Dates: |
Full History: | Fallkit was born outside the clans, content with the four cats he regularly knew, and one or two more that would occasionally visit. He would explore with his littermates as well as he could, keeping up close and poking around the thicket. On one occasion, he watched as a tawny owl dove for his brother, while his mother rushed in to save them. He had been glad he had tucked himself away under a bramble, and spared himself the tongue-lashing lesson from Belladonna on staying close by. He only had a few weeks in the forest thicket with them before his mother decided it was time to move. Still inexperienced and clumsy, he could do nothing when she was struck by something incredibly loud and hot. Reeling in confusion, he then found himself whisked away by a strange tom who only seemed the tiniest bit familiar. He was then given over to a strange group of cats, much larger than his little family unit had been. Though he still does not fully understand anything of what’s happening, he finds the moorland a beautiful and exciting place, and is totally flooded by information over the dozens of new faces around him. |
Threads: |
Sire: | Kosmo (An odd-eyed, cinnamon ticked mink tom with primal markings & most of his tail missing) |
Dam: | Belladonna (A smoke Turkish Angora she-cat with blue eyes) |
Full Siblings: |
Coyotekit (An orange-eyed, lilac ticked tabby she-kit with primal markings)
Mistykit (A lilac tabby mink she-kit with mismatched eyes)
Murkkit (A long-bodied, blue smoke mink tom kit with dark blue eyes)
Significant Cats
Notes & Additional Details
General: | Possible warrior names: Fallleap, Fallchaser, Fallheart, Fallrunner, Fallclaws |
Litter Record: | By Kosmo out of Belladonna |
Genetics: | This character requires a genetic code to be bred. |
Bans Data: | Fallkit has been compiled into the bans records. Fallkit is a Male Cat with a Black Pointed pelt of Mid-length Normal textured hair. They are of Medium-large Size and Semi-foreign build. Their eyes are Blue and ears are Normal. Their tail is Normal, with Normal paws and Normal legs. They are of Half Turkish Angora descent. |
History – length: Minimum length of at least 4 sentences has not been met. Also, the character is 2 moons old, and is thus far more aware that you’re giving them credit for.