
DISCLAIMER: The information provided herein is in relation to a role playing game based on a fictional book series. None of the information provided herein should be used to treat yourself or your pets. Please consult someone trained in first aid, Human Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, or another appropriate professional before attempting to treat a living creature.
Cat Given Name : Chamomile
Other Name(s) :
Description :

Chamomile is a low-growing plant, creeping or trailing, its tufts of leaves and flowers a foot high. The root is jointed and fibrous; the stems, hairy and branching, are covered with divided leaves, giving the whole plant a feathery appearance. The blooms are borne on long, erect stalks, drooping when in bud, and have an outer fringe of white ray-florets and yellow centers.

The fruit is small and dry, and as it forms, the hill of the receptacle gets more and more conical.

The whole plant is downy and greyish-green in color.

Properties :

Leaves and flowers may be consumed to sooth pain, calm a cat and add to their physical strength.

Related Knowledge
Complaints : Burn, Blackcough, Chronic Cough, Concussion, Abrasion,
Symptoms : Pain, Abrasions, Anxiety, Nausea, Weakness, Sleep Disruption, Hallucination, Sleep Paralysis,
Species :
Seasonal Availabilities by Territory *
* To find a plant that is not available in an area, it must first be approved by the Game Admins. Please PM one of the Admin Team for that permission.
^ The listed seasons are those in which the herb is ready in some way for harvest. Consult the collection methods below for details.
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Collecting & Storing Flowers
When to Collect : Mid to late Greenleaf
How to Collect : Select flowers of good color and full vitality. Bite the flowers off, leaving as little stem as possible.
How to Preserve : Lay the flowers in full sun to dry.
How to Store : Store in loose piles in a dry, cool place.
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Collecting & Storing Leaves
When to Collect : Greenleaf thru early Leaf-bare
How to Collect : Pluck leaves of healthy green color from the plant.
How to Preserve : Lay the leaves in the sun so that they may dry quickly.
How to Store : Store in loose pikes in a dry, cool place.
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Detailed Usage Information
Flowers : May be consumed to remove weariness. [restrict level="PID Member"][ EDIT ][/restrict]
Flowers : May be consumed to aid in the relief of nausea. [restrict level="PID Member"][ EDIT ][/restrict]
Flowers : Chamomile flowers will reduce pain when chewed and applied to a sore spot. [restrict level="PID Member"][ EDIT ][/restrict]
Flowers : May be consumed to sooth a cat. [restrict level="PID Member"][ EDIT ][/restrict]
Leaves : May be consumed to remove weariness. [restrict level="PID Member"][ EDIT ][/restrict]
Leaves : Chamomile leaves will reduce pain when chewed and applied to a sore spot. [restrict level="PID Member"][ EDIT ][/restrict]
Leaves : May be consumed to sooth a cat. [restrict level="PID Member"][ EDIT ][/restrict]