Brewer’s Blackbird

Brewer's Blackbird
Classification(s) : Prey
Cat Name : Crow
Common Name : Brewer's Blackbird
Scientific Name : Euphagus cyanocephalus
Other Name(s) :
Physical Description :

These birds are mostly black with some green and blue. The females are brown. Brewer’s Blackbirds have long legs .

Physical Statistics :

Length: 8 – 10 Inches (21 – 25 Centimeters)
Weight: 2 – 3 oz (60 – 86 Grams)
Wingspan: 14 – 20 Inches (37 – 50 Centimeters)

Behavior :

Brewer’s Blackbirds feed in fields or shallow waters, during the daylight hours.

Social Organization :

Flock; Brewer’s Blackbirds live in groups that can be rather large.

Approval Level : None; Brewer's Blackbirds are common in the forest.
Kill Difficulty : Moderate;

Brewer’s Blackbirds have sharp talons and beak in addition to running in large groups.

Training Level : Specialty - Group Flying;

Teamwork is necessary to keep the bulk of the flock busy while stragglers are caught.

Hunting Tactic : Birds
Food Quality : High; Brewer's Blackbirds are a reasonably sized bird that yields rich, nutritious flesh.