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Moons of Green-death


Moon of Lion’s Glory (2020)

As the warm of Greenleaf begins to hit its peak, the forest continues to unleash its mysterious grip on the hold of the clan cats. A unnamed rogue returns to the forest to lands previously ruled and begins to explore the borders of the surrounding clans, collecting herbs and doing what he pleases. Sunstrike and Wrentalon confronts Kosmo on the Thunderclan border before chasing him away, although this doesn’t sway the knowledgeable cat from returning. He seems to know a lot about the clans and their ways. Kosmo brings ill-omened news of Badgerstar’s abduction by Two-Legs as uncertainty grips the cats of Windclan. More deaths claim the clans, but through Starclan’s promise sees the appearance of four rogue-born kits arrive at Fourtrees. One for each clan, echoing a past prophecy.


  • Kosmo the odd-eyed rogue first steps foot on clan lands (2nd)
  • Coyotekit is adopted into TC (14th)
  • Bravesong becomes an honorary Queen to raise Coyotekit (14th)
  • Speckledfrost dies, cause of death unknown (23rd)


  • Duckfeather dies, cause of death unknown (12th)
  • Mistykit is adopted into RC (14th)


  • Fallkit is adopted into WC (14th)
  • Brightmaple becomes an honorary Queen to raise Fallkit (14th)
  • Badgerstar gets abducted by Two-Legs (16th)
  • Skyeyes dies, cause of death unknown (19th)


  • Petalstorm dies, cause of death unknown (6th)
  • Murkkit is adopted into SC (14th)

Moon of First Green (2020) – Moon of Long Sun (2020)
The heat of Greenleaf brings about peace, and prey and cat alike have taken to finding shelter from the tightest peak of the Greenleaf sun. Yet with this abundance of prey comes the first of many unexplainable deaths within the clans. First to die was Nightrain from WindClan, found dead at Rockfield on the 14th of Running Prey. Cats alone don’t suffer this fate, as the cats of ThunderClan soon find, foxes too, fall victim to this strange death. In the moon of Long Sun, Splashpelt of RiverClan is next to succumb from this strange death on the 17th of Long Sun 2020, and only a couple of dats later, Dustpaw, and otherwise healthy apprentice, perishes. Brighter days see the birth of Otterwhisker and Boldstar’s kits in Riverclan on the 22nd day of the Moon of Running Prey as well as the ShadowClan kits born from Cloudflare and Clovershine’s secret liaison on the 26th day of the moon of Running Prey (2020).

The end of…

Winter Before the Promise

Melting Waters (2020)



Blue Moon…

Moon of Promised Prey

The Moon of the Promised Prey


The beginning of…

Winter Before the Promise

Long Nights (2019) – Tiger’s Wraith (2019)


Floods of Leaf-fall

Cheetah’s Flight (2019) – Leopard’s Rest (2019)

An  usually wet leaf-fall characterized by increased rainfall, occasional thunderstorms, and in the middle moons, enough rainfall to swell the river and cause the banks to expand and cause swathes of muddy land anywhere near water. The last month of these moons show a sudden decrease in temperature, leading to an early frost and echos of what’s to come.

  • Jaysong and Mistyleaf battle and defeat a red fox in Thunderclan territory. Jaysong earns the name Bravesong for defending the patrol and saving the life of his apprentice after being mauled. (Moon of First White 2019)


A period of quiet

Tiger’s Wraith (2018) – Running Prey (2018)

Moon of Running Prey (2019)Moon of Lion’s Glory (2019)

A normal, if windy, few moons of mild weather and peacetime. Prey runs well with few instances of predators encountered or border aggression.

Moon of Melting Waters (2019)Moon of Unnamed Blue (2019)

The melting of leaf bare snowfall brings a soggy, wet New-Leaf. Windclan and Riverclan ground near the river become slippery and causes a mudslide near the gorge. New-Leaf brings relief and warmth from the cold, and the wetness causes a surge of mosquitoes in Shadowclan territory near the tail end of New-Leaf.

Moon of Leopard’s Rest (2018)Moon of Tiger’s Wraith (2018)

Characterized by a mild winter with little snowfall with only occasional cold fronts of harsh frost near the tail end of Tiger’s Wrath. Cold, harsh winds whip the cat’s forest, with few days of any sort of sunlight. Frozen rains churn the ground, causing the land to be bogged at its warmest, and slippery with ice at the height of winter.

The Great Drought

Lion’s Glory (2018) – Cheetah’s Flight (2018)

Cheetah’s Flight (2018)First White (2018)

The heat of Green-leaf continues into these moons, and is considerably drier. Drought accompanies the first moon of Cheetah’s Flight, as tensions soar between the clans. Desperate times call for desperate measures. As the war begins to swing into full effect, the Moon of Turning Leaves sees relief with welcome rainfall. Prey seems to recover somewhat, but this does little to ebb the unease between the clans. War seems to have been called off for now, and each clan focuses on preparing for Leaf-Bare.

Long Sun (2018)Lion’s Glory (2018)

These two moons mark the beginning of an extended drought within the clans. Water becomes scarcer in the territories and the River’s edges shrink in the Green Leaf heat, making fishing larger prey in Riverclan increasingly difficult. Hunting in this heat brings dangers, and what prey survives the drought becomes harder to come by. These two moons are characterized by an increased amount of border aggression over the scarcity of prey.


The distant past…

More grrrr. Technology needs work.