Supporter Rewards

Available Rewards

  • Extra Character Pass (5$): Create extra character. Applies to a single character sheet and expires when the character does.
  • Extra Slot Pass (25$): Grants player an extra character slot that does not expire.
  • Extra Slot 5-pack (100$): Grants player 5 extra character slots that do not expire.
  • Ignore Bans List – Limited (5$): Allows a character sheet to bypass all but the “General” section of the bans list. Single use.
  • Ignore Bans List – Unlimited (10$): Allows a character sheet to bypass all but the name-related bans in the “General” section of the bans list. Single use.
  • Do WTF (1000$): Make a character with zero limitations. Even genetics. Seriously.

How to Redeem Rewards

For now, please contact Kitsufox to

Redemption Records

Beewhisker5$5$ Extra Character – ??
Faux30$5$ Extra Character – Emberdust
Kazul_338325$25$ Extra Slot