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Character Sheet Expectations

All Characters

Genetic Possibilities

All characters approved at CoSC are required to be genetically possible in real life. This is because our Litters Department requires characters to be genotyped to be eligible to procreate, and cats who are not possible in real life cannot be genotyped. While eye colors are permitted a much greater amount of leeway (we do not restrict eye colors by coat color as in real life genetics, but unnatural colors are not permitted) pelt colors and patterns must be ones that exist in real life. Further details on genetically possible coat colors can be found in the Genetics Department.

The colors of the parents need to be derived from the color of the character and any siblings. If you need help working out the genetics, please consult one of the helpful members of the Genetics Project.

Grammar & Spelling

Passable grammar is expected, and sheets are expected to at least have been passed through a spellcheck program. In fact, your browser may have a built in spell-check function that you can take advantage of!

Clan Cats

  1. Names: Clan cat names must comply with all related Rules applying to Clan Cat Names.
  2. Clan: Spelling & capitalization of the group name must be correct.
  3. Clan Rank: Ranks must but Spelled & Capitalized in accordance with accepted Rules.
  4. Gender: Gender must be entered in accordance with accepted precedents.
  5. Age: The age of your character is configured by selecting a moon for the character to be born from THIS list to enter into the born field.
  6. Personality: This must be a paragraph comprised of 3 complete sentences. Longer is encouraged and preferred.
  7. Appearance: This must be a paragraph comprised of 3 complete sentences. Longer is encouraged and preferred.
  8. History: Your character’s history must be within the parameters of the game history, and characters from the ‘Warriors’ books are not permitted to be used in your history.
    • Minimum Kit History Length: A complete paragraph of at least 4 sentences.
    • Minimum Apprentice History Length: At least 2 paragraphs of at least 4 sentences each.
    • Minimum Warrior History Length: At least 3 paragraphs of at least 4 sentences each, plus an additional 4 sentences per year over the age of 2.
  9. Parents: The parents must be named on PCs. They may ONLY be omitted from the sheets of NPC Characters.

Feral/Semi-feral Cats

  1. Clanless Cat: Feral or Semi-feral must be entered here.
  2. Gender: Gender must be entered in accordance with accepted precedents.
  3. Age: The age of your character is configured by selecting a moon for the character to be born from from THIS list to enter into the born field.
  4. Personality: This must be a complete paragraph of at least four lines. Longer is encouraged.
  5. Appearance: This must be a complete paragraph of at least four lines. Longer is encouraged and preferred
  6. History: This must be a minimum of a paragraph comprised of at least 3 complete sentences. For each year over two that the character has lived, add an additional paragraph of at least three complete sentences. Longer is encourages and preferred.
  7. Parents: The parents must be named on PCs. They may ONLY be omitted from the sheets of NPC Characters.

Domestic Cats

  1. Clanless Cat: Enter Domestic.
  2. Gender: Gender must be entered in accordance with accepted precedents.
  3. Age: The age of your character is configured by selecting a moon for the character to be born from from THIS list to enter into the born field.
  4. Personality: This must be a complete paragraph of at least four lines. Longer is encouraged.
  5. Appearance: This must be a complete paragraph of at least four lines. Longer is encouraged and preferred
  6. History: The base history must be 2 complete paragraphs of at least four lines each. For each year over two that the character has lived, add an additional four line paragraph.
  7. Parents: The parents must be named on PCs. They may ONLY be omitted from the sheets of NPC Characters.

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