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Closed Thread [Closed] Pre-Gathering Clan Meeting (First Green 2020)

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WHO: WindClan
WHAT: Assembling for the pre-Gathering Clan meeting!
WHERE: Central Camp
WHEN: Sunset, 14th of the Moon of First Green

To say Badgerstar wasn't a little nervous would be an absolute falsehood. The tom cast his gaze towards the sky. On the horizon, the sun was on its way to sinking past the hillocks of the moor to a place no cat could follow. In its place, the moon would soon rise, but he was not ready for it. Tonight was a full moon, which meant that the Gathering would be starting within the evening. Three moons ago, give or take, Honeystar had been the one to lead WindClan and divvy up those attending.

Now it was all his decision. Padding from the leader's den to the fresh-kill pile, the black tom wondered who had earned their chance to see beyond the moors this sacred night. Undoubtedly, apprentices would always be the first pick, but that still left a number of cats. For a moment, he decided to linger by the pile of fresh-kill. With any luck, he would be able to spark a conversation with someone and narrow his choices.

Glade Admin Applications Team, Information Drive, Leader Player, MCA Player, Genealogy Team
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Love is just a cloudy sky as far as I can see
⤝ ⥈ ⥈ ☁ ⥈ ⥈ ⤞

Cloudflare hadn't been idle for long. After engaging with earnest with some of his clanmates, thought to enforce some of the divets in the apprentice's den he noticed while he peeked in this morning - promptly forgot about in light of the Gathering night, then just as quickly remembered and fetched some nubile sprouting branches from outside of camp.

Branches in mouth, Cloudflare continued forward into camp, noticing the black form of Badgerstar. With a gruff little chuff of greeting, the tom brought his package towards the mouth of the apprentice's den, and dropped it with a little purr. He didn't want the younger ones of camp to catch a draft, but it was also important to teach them camp maintenance. If he was lucky, he could show them how to weave the branches into the existing brush later. For now, he was much too distracted at the impending Gathering announcement.

Winding his way back to the fresh kill pile, he nonchalantly offered the older tom a polite tail wave, the shine of his cooper eyes friendly. "Good evening, Badgerstar. Silverpelt looks quite inspiring tonight - Must be close to the Gathering announcement soon." And more quietly, Cloudflare, while trying to appear sympathetic, kept a collected tone of voice as he mewed.

"How are you?"



Cottonbright, ♀ Anxious Warrior
Nettlepaw, ♂ Cynical Medicine Cat's Apprentice
Merrykit, ♀ Contented Kit
Otterwhisker, ♀ Adventurous Elder


Brindlepaw, ♀ Selfish Apprentice
Bravesong, ♂ Gracious Elder
Wildcry, ♀ Fierce Elder


Cloudflare, ♂ Suave Warrior
Barleyswipe, ⚧ Ornery Elder


Palestar, ♀ Stern Leader
Honeyglow, ♂ Reserved Elder
Emberdust, ♀ Artless Warrior
Murkkit, ♂ Opportunistic Kit


Ahryndae, ♀ Princess of Camelot

Lelouch Von Noon, ♂ Marquess of Noon Cattery

Kosmo, ♂ Disturbed Rogue

Tree Admin Applications Team, Information Drive, Medicine Cat Player, Leader Player, Genealogy Team
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 438

Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.

‹‹‹‹ ♦ ››››

Rowanglade gave her Celandine a last once over, ensuring it was safe and dry, before slipping away from the Medicine Den. She'd spent a good deal of time chattering with her classmates and had caught sight of the black tom by the freshkill pile.

She strode out into the open of the camp, where the rain was the worst and settled herself quietly near Badgerstar. He was still finding his paws as leader and could probably use the support since he'd have to make his announcement any time now. There were no new-made apprentices or warriors to show off, so no easy choices would be made today.

Kitsufox, CoSC Owner & Administrator

Ashpaw ♂ Apprentice of ShadowClan
Boldstar ♂ Leader of RiverClan
Prudence ♀ Wanderer of Whitehart
Rowanglade ♀ Medicine Cat of WindClan
Savagefox ⚥ Warrior of ThunderClan
Stormkit ♀ Kit of RiverClan
Uther ♂ The Once and Future King

Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 157

I took a walk in the woods, and came out taller than the trees.

Pinestep was just trotting into camp when she noticed her clanmates gathering around Badgerstar. Mousedung! She hadn't been gone for all  that long and the whole clan was gathering already!

Earlier Pinestep and her clanmates had chatted for quite some time about the upcoming gathering but feeling a bit restless, Pinestep had snuck away to get a bit of fresh air out on the moore-hoping to be back before anything else managed to happen. Oh well. It couldn't be helped. And at least she'd managed to score some prey while she was away! 

Galloping passed the freshkill pile, the young warrior tossed the chunky vole she'd cornered a few minutes ago with the rest of the piled food and hurried to join the others. 

"Rowanglade! Did I miss anything??"

Willowfrost- Medicine Cat of RiverClan
Pinestep- Warrior of WindClan
Clovershine- Warrior of ShadowClan
Siofra- Domestic of Whiteheart

Sapling Player Deputy Player
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 197

Since it was still rainy, Shadesleek had been double-checking a den roof for leaks like a responsible warrior when she noticed other cats getting up and heading for the fresh-kill pile.

No leaks here! she thought after giving it one last look. She tried not to run across camp to join the crowd, but her brisk steps were undoubtedly full of energy.

Hollyclaw, Warrior of ShadowClan
Dawnflurry, Deputy of ShadowClan
Mistyleaf, Warrior of ThunderClan
Thornstrike, Warrior of RiverClan
Shadesleek, Warrior of WindClan
Morgan, Royal Scion of Camelot
Duke, Rogue

Hawkfeather, Elder of ShadowClan
Nettlesky, Warrior of RiverClan
Ceridwen, Princess of Camelot

Tree Player Medicine Cat Player, Leader Player, Deputy Player
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 217

Boulderdash had been just outside the den Shadesleek had been patching, only instead of helping to patch it, she had a leg hoisted over her head and was grooming her backside when her sister all but raced over to the freshkill pile. Blinking, she lowered her leg and stood before giving herself a shake and meandering over to the group assembling. "Is it time for a Gathering again already?" The way she stated it, who knew if she was talking about everyone assembling around her or talking about THE Gathering. Mismatched eyes glanced up at the sky and she mused aloud. "The sky has been rather bright lately even after the sun has set."

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As Rowanglade arrived and sat close by himself, Badgerstar gave her a curt nod as his greeting. WindClan was always a Clan full of energy, which was a necessity for running the moors, but he was honestly surprised with how much Shadesleek looked like she might burst out of her fur as she bounded across the camp. Nothing notable had happened over the course of the past moon, so what was she excited about?

Nonetheless, Badgerstar dipped his head in greeting to Boulderdash when she finally arrived. "Yes. The Gathering is tonight. I will announce the attendance roster momentarily. I simply wanted to greet my Clan before I went to the Talking Cliff. Now, if you will excuse me," he said, standing up to make his way to the cliff overlooking camp. "Let all those who are old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Talking Cliff for a Clan meeting!"

The yowl echoed across camp, powerful and certain. At least, it sounded that way. Much more than Badgerstar felt. There were too many good cats to leave any out...

Glade Admin Applications Team, Information Drive, Leader Player, MCA Player, Genealogy Team
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 671

Love is just a cloudy sky as far as I can see
⤝ ⥈ ⥈ ☁ ⥈ ⥈ ⤞

Giving a reassuring nod towards the black tom, Cloudflare padded immediately under Talking Cliff, in a prime place to overhear the outstretch boom of his voice. He was very eager to see who'd be picked to go, and hoped that he'd shown enough initiative to be considered for the Gathering tonight.


Cottonbright, ♀ Anxious Warrior
Nettlepaw, ♂ Cynical Medicine Cat's Apprentice
Merrykit, ♀ Contented Kit
Otterwhisker, ♀ Adventurous Elder


Brindlepaw, ♀ Selfish Apprentice
Bravesong, ♂ Gracious Elder
Wildcry, ♀ Fierce Elder


Cloudflare, ♂ Suave Warrior
Barleyswipe, ⚧ Ornery Elder


Palestar, ♀ Stern Leader
Honeyglow, ♂ Reserved Elder
Emberdust, ♀ Artless Warrior
Murkkit, ♂ Opportunistic Kit


Ahryndae, ♀ Princess of Camelot

Lelouch Von Noon, ♂ Marquess of Noon Cattery

Kosmo, ♂ Disturbed Rogue

Sapling Player Deputy Player
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 197

Shadesleek gave her sister a playful push. "Obviously. Come on!" she meowed excitedly. She didn't even wait for Badgerstar to yowl out his whole announcement. She ran over to the Talking Cliff as soon as he got to it.

I wanna go! I wanna go! I wanna go! Shadesleek thought at him as she stood there watching. Her tail swished impatiently. Pick me, pick me, pick me!! It was tradition for new warrior to go, wasn't it? And she and her siblings had just become warrior last moon!

Hollyclaw, Warrior of ShadowClan
Dawnflurry, Deputy of ShadowClan
Mistyleaf, Warrior of ThunderClan
Thornstrike, Warrior of RiverClan
Shadesleek, Warrior of WindClan
Morgan, Royal Scion of Camelot
Duke, Rogue

Hawkfeather, Elder of ShadowClan
Nettlesky, Warrior of RiverClan
Ceridwen, Princess of Camelot

Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 23
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As he stood on the Talking Cliff above his Clan, Badgerstar watched the cats get into their usual spots before he continued. "As you know, the Gathering is tonight. And in light of this, I shall announce those who will come with me to the Fourtrees," he said. A name or two out of the Clan would likely do. "Shadesleek, Cloudflare, and Boulderdash, you have shown excellent behavior over the past moon since you earned your warrior names. And, tonight, you will show the Clans how strong we of the moors are!"

This post was modified 2 years ago by AirJordanz

Glade Admin Applications Team, Information Drive, Leader Player, MCA Player, Genealogy Team
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 671

Love is just a cloudy sky as far as I can see
⤝ ⥈ ⥈ ☁ ⥈ ⥈ ⤞

Cloudflare's ear perked when he heard his name called, and eagerly jumped to his feet. Who know who'd be at the Gathering, but at least maybe he'd find someone he could mingle with before formalities began... A passing thought brought the image of the cream pointed she-cat to mind, but he didn't allow the heat of her name to follow the image as he followed his leader and those attending to Fourtrees.



Cottonbright, ♀ Anxious Warrior
Nettlepaw, ♂ Cynical Medicine Cat's Apprentice
Merrykit, ♀ Contented Kit
Otterwhisker, ♀ Adventurous Elder


Brindlepaw, ♀ Selfish Apprentice
Bravesong, ♂ Gracious Elder
Wildcry, ♀ Fierce Elder


Cloudflare, ♂ Suave Warrior
Barleyswipe, ⚧ Ornery Elder


Palestar, ♀ Stern Leader
Honeyglow, ♂ Reserved Elder
Emberdust, ♀ Artless Warrior
Murkkit, ♂ Opportunistic Kit


Ahryndae, ♀ Princess of Camelot

Lelouch Von Noon, ♂ Marquess of Noon Cattery

Kosmo, ♂ Disturbed Rogue