Advanced Combat Techniques

An apprentice with a good mastery of the Combat Basics is ready to begin training in advanced combat. This level of training expands upon the basics and teaching more complicated attacks designed to deal with specific situations, These moves present more challenge and require a greater level of physical fitness and body control.

Advanced Blocks

Advanced movements intended to turn away or otherwise avoid attacks made by an apponent.

Upward Dodge

Used to: Dodge attacks towards the feet and lower chest with the teeth.
Best against: Any opponent of equal or larger size to you
Cautions: Can be countered via an Attack Reverse Technique

Leap strait upwards and away from the teeth of the attacker just as they are a half-stride from contact.

Downward Dodge

Used to: Dodge attacks towards the head and lower chest with the teeth.
Best against: Any opponent.
Cautions: Can be counter via an attack reverse technique and opens the back of the neck to the attack.

Throw oneself flat on the ground just as the attacker is a half-stride from contact with the teeth.

Advanced Strikes

Advanced movements intended to cause harm to an opponent.

Spinning Right/Left Paw Strike

Used to: Strike at an opponent behind you.
Best against: Any opponent.
Cautions: Opens one to strikes while whirling around to face the enemy.

As the opponent moves in for a strike from behind, spin rapidly around and reach out and strike at the face of the attacking cat, throwing the weight of the body and the momentum of the spin into the attack.

Spinning Bite

Used to: Strike at an opponent behind you.
Best against: Smaller or equally sized opponents who are behind you.
Cautions: Opens one to strikes while whirling around to face the enemy, and opens the head to attack during the bite.

As the opponent moves in for a strike from behind, spin rapidly around, and spring into the face of the cat aiming a bite for the throat.

Reverse Right/Left Paw Strike

Used to: Strike at an opponent following behind and attempting to grab the rear legs.
Best against: Any opponent.
Cautions: Slows running by leaving only three legs available for it.

While fleeing the enemy at full speed, kick out with a rear paw, striking for the face.

Reverse Rake

Used to: Strike at an opponent following behind and attempting to grab the rear legs.
Best against: Any opponent.
Cautions: Requires the cat to plant the forelegs and stop running. This technique is incredibly risky due to this, and in most cases is ill advised.

While fleeing the enemy at full speed, plant the forelegs and kick out with both hindlegs at the face and neck.

Combat Techniques

Movements intended to quickly change the purpose of another movement and alter it suddenly into a more effective movement.

Attack Reverse

Used to: Counter a dodge by shifting the means of attack.
Best against: Any opponent using a dodge style block.
Cautions: Has a tendency to put the fighter into an unbalanced stance, and can have unpredictable results.

Suddenly change direction and alter the course of the weapon currently being used to attack. It might even include changing which weapon is being used in an attack.

Dodge Reversal

Used to: Turn a dodge into a strike.
Best against: Any opponent using an attack.
Cautions: Has a tendency to put the fighter into an unbalanced stance, and can have unpredictable results.

In the midst of a dodge, dig in an alter the course of the dodge straight at the enemy, bringing any convenient attack to bear against them, which whatever weapon is best for the current positioning.

Block Reversal

Used to: Turn a block into a strike.
Best against: Any opponent you are using a block against.
Cautions: Has a tendency to put the fighter into an unbalanced stance, and can have unpredictable results.

While making a block, should you see a good opening, use either the paw not blocking or the teeth to make a simultaneous attack against your attacker.

Advanced Hunting Tactics



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Please excuse the construction!

The knowledge of the best ways in which to approach prey is an important matter. The final level of tactics must be taught following the completion of Intermediate Hunting Tactics. Only the most talented of hunters will truly master these difficult hunting techniques.

Flying Prey

Already Taught

  • General Birds – Hunting birds in general are a fundamental hunting skill and must be mastered at beginning level.
  • Tiny Birds – Tiny bird hunting is a fundamental skill that must be mastered at beginning level.
  • Songbirds – Songbird hunting is a fundamental skill that must be mastered at the beginning level. 
  • Small Raptors – Small raptors are not dangerous, and the hunting of them should be mastered at the beginning level.
  • Group Birds – Group hunted birds is a basic skill that should be mastered at the intermediate level.
  • Waterfowl – (Specialty) Waterfowl hunting should be mastered [when required] before the advanced level of hunting training is started.
  • Bats – (Specialty) Bat hunting is not required in any clan, but if taught should be taught at the intermediate level.

Large Raptors

  • Specialty Tactic – Frequently taught in WindClan, Sometimes taught in RiverClan and ShadowClan, Rarely taught in ThunderClan

Large raptors such as hawks and falcons are an extreme challenge to tackle, and require either ambushing the bird on the ground after it has caught prey of its own or managing to turn an attack by the hawk or falcon on oneself into an attack on the bird. They are very dangerous prey, but taking one down means that there is one less hawk or falcon stalking the young of the clan, making the undertaking valuable in two ways.

Animals Hunted With This Tactic:

Running Furred Prey

Already Taught

  • Ground Rodents – Chipmunks and moles are a staple food of all the clans
  • Land Rodents – Mice, shrews, and voles are a stable food for all the clans.
  • Tree Rodents – Squirrels are a stable food of all the clans.
  • Waterside Rodents – Water Voles and Water Shrews are common prey amongst any clan with water flowing through it.
  • Chase – (Speciality) Rabbits and Hares are worth chasing in some territories.


  • Specialty Tactic – Mandatory in ShadowClan, Frequently Taught in ThunderClan, Sometimes taught in RiverClan and WindClan.

Rats are tenacious fighters for their size and to be approached with caution while hunting as they possess teeth that carry diseases with their bites. Care must be taken to avoid being badly bitten and ending up with a deep infection in the puncture wounds they leave behind.

Animals Hunted With This Tactic: Brown Rat

Furless Land Prey

  • Coming Soon

Furless Marsh Prey

  • Coming Soon

Water Prey

  • Coming Soon

Security Measures

While the security of a clan will vary depending on a leader, and for purposes of RP you should consult with your leader player about their expectations, some standards are maintained.

Standard Security Measures


Each Clan would set out a number of patrols every day. These patrols are responsible for securing the borders and ensuring no trespasses against the clan territory happen. They also keep an eye out for predators and other dangers. In addition to these scheduled patrols the hunting patrols would provide a random element as, in addition to hunting, any cat heading out would be expected to be looking for dangers and intruders.

Standard Daily Border Patrols

  • Dawn Patrol at Sunrise
  • Sunhigh Patrol at Noon
  • Dusk Patrol at Sunset
  • Moonhigh Patrol at Midnight

Standard Daily Hunting Patrols (send 2+ patrols out at each time-period)

  • Dawn Hunting Patrol at Sunrise
  • Dusk Hunting Patrol at just before Sunset

Camp Security

In addition to the Patrols that go out through the day, the camp itself requires its own security. The Camp is a sensitive strategic location. If another clan wishes to harm yours, your camp will be a prime target. Should a predator get into camp it would be a nightmare, as the weakest of the camps’ cats stay in the camp.

Standard Camp Security

  • A Sentry to watch the Entrances and Raise needed alarms
  • A Queen in the Nursery at all times to serve as the Kits first line of Defense

High Security

There are times in which a higher than normal level of security is needed. These times include war conditions (or conditions where war is deemed a possibility), times when predators have been sighted but not yet driven off (a difficult and dangerous prospect that can require planning/organization) or following attacks by other clans or rouges of outside cats. Many leaders also address gathering night as a high security time as a good bit of the Clan’s fire-power would be going to the gathering. The following are suggestions for measures a leader may or may not take in response to a situation they feel requires higher than normal security.

Possible Extra Security Measures

  • An additional Sentry(s) Stationed in camp
  • A Camp area patrol to find dangers before they reach camp
  • Additional patrols outside the normal schedule
  • Additional patrols to secondary areas on the normal schedule
  • Security Details for essential cats (Leader, Deputy, MC, MCA)
  • Security Details for vulnerable cats (Kits, Elders)

Warrior Training – Advanced

The Advanced Period of training should have the mentor working to refine the apprentice in fully advanced skills and perfect them into a cat worthy of the warrior’s title. The mentor should take into account their apprentices actual abilities, not just their age, when deciding which level of training is suitable for their apprentice.

This period typically encompasses the 5th and 6th moons of training, and are geared towards the usage of hunting skills for the good of the clan and perfecting fighting skills of the apprentice. A young cat should be expected to be completing their advanced training during their 12th moon.

Any files marked with ^ are currently unfinished.

Advanced Level Apprentice’s Responsibilities

  • Hunt to provide for the elders and medicine cats.
  • Join hunting patrols to provide for their clan.
  • Standing sentry over camp as assigned.
  • Join border patrols to gain combat experience and protect the clan.

These oldest apprentices are nearly warriors in their own right, able to serve (with the aid of older, more experienced cats) in the capacity of a warrior. In accordance many of the fetching and carrying tasks are dropped from those that are expected, so that they can be freed up to spend more time on more practical activities that make better use of the training they have done thus far and gain them the experience they will need to function as a warrior when they are permitted to work without supervision.

Advanced Hunting Training

Hunting Patrols

The continued growth of hunting skills should come mainly through practical application and the inclusion of the apprentice on Hunting Patrols as a fully functional member of that patrol. These patrols should be both with and without the mentor, letting the apprentice gain confidence in their ability to function as a hunter without their mentor.

Advanced Hunting Tactics ^

Education in the most difficult tactics should be undertaken in this phase of the apprentice’s training.

Advanced Battle Training

Advanced Battle Techniques

Combination attacks are explored and taught through practice bouts.

The Art of Teamwork

Working with other cats is taught to prepare them for work in a full patrol.

Practical Patrol Work

When the mentor feels they are ready, the apprentice can begin to join patrols and be included in working border patrols.

Security Measures

An apprentice must have a functional understanding of securing the clan and ensuring that the camp and territory are properly protected, fed, and secured.

Visit to Highstones

Prior to becoming a warrior, every apprentice must visit Highstones. This is typically not done until the mentor is confident that the apprentice is prepared for a warrior name.