
A Non-player Character played by Splashy

Leader of ThunderClan
A Male cat.
By Unknown Sire out of Unknown Dam.
Dead at the age of 107 Moons (8.2 Years)
Short Description:

A solidly muscled ginger and white mackerel tabby tom with yellow eyes

Long Description:

Goldenstar was an oversized, orange and white tabby tom with yellow eyes. He was visually strong, with muscles which lined his figure. He often stood with confidence, though he also often wore a rather kind expression. He had a few littered scars, but his long pelt generally covered them.


Goldenstar was a rather proud and determined tom, though he was also rather quiet. He often surveyed the clan from the high rock, watching over his clanmates with a strong yet loving gaze. He was alike a father to Moosestar, who he mentored before becoming leader.

Key Dates:
  • Born in the Moon of Melting Waters (2012) 027
  • Died in the Moon of First Fishing (2020) 134
Full History:

Goldenstar is a rather strong figure in Thunderclan history- a “portrait” of a fantastic Leader, in fact.

He lived for years upon years as a leader, and was the leader for a majority of Thunderclan’s current members. While not known for his bloodline, he is well known for continuing the efforts of Fiercestar the II’s into the current day, working to ensure that period of hyper aggression and violence wouldn’t return.

While not exactly the most affectionate cat, he worked to put Thunderclan into a more centralized state- focusing on defense rather than offense, and caring for your clan like family, even without a blood connection.

This has transitioned well down onto his apprentice, Moosestar, who he ensured would have a similar mindset. He made Moosestar his deputy in his last few moons because he knew the tom was lighthearted yet determined, and would work to keep Thunderclan in the peaceful state that he worked so hard to achieve.

Sire: Unknown Sire (For characters with an unknown father)
Dam: Unknown Dam (For characters with an unknown mother)
Full Siblings:
Andromeda (A scarred, seal mackerel tabby mink she-cat with aqua eyes)
Antlerrush (A long legged chocolate ticked tabby tom with a bobbed tail)
Arthur (A dark brown classic tabby tom with amber eyes)
Belladonna (A smoke Turkish Angora she-cat with blue eyes)
Briarstorm (A scarred gray tom with green eyes and a missing chunk of his right ear)
Cearnaigh (A night-black tom)
Cindercloud (A laid back black bicolor tom with hazel eyes)
Claycinder (A leggy, mid-furred fawn colored caramel bi-color tortoiseshell she-cat who with striking teal eyes)
Cyrene (A large grey and white tabby she-cat with aqua eyes)
Duckfeather (A calico ticked tabby she-cat with white paws and green eyes)
Duskytail (A brown broken mackerel tabby she-cat with a white locket and amber eyes)
Emberback (A stoutly built ginger classic tabby tom)
Evalynn (A silver spotted tabby she-cat with green eyes.)
Featherflight (A mid-furred, red primal ticked tabby she-cat with yellow eyes)
Ferntail (A large, longhaired gray classic tabby she-cat with lime eyes)
Firelight (A longhaired red classic tabby she-cat with a bald spot on her tail)
Flutterdream (A petite, tortie and white she-cat with amber eyes and a bushy tail)
Gingerthrash (A scarred ticked lilac caramel tomcat with amber eyes)
Greenfang (A lanky brown she-cat with green eyes.)
Hawkfeather (A stocky chocolate classic tabby bicolor with gold eyes)
Honeyglow (A large broken mackerel ginger tom with rusty tones and green eyes)
Kathani (A brown broken braided tabby with gold-glittering fur, green eyes, and a violet collar)
Laughingfox (An longhaired orangey-red tom with a long fluffy tail and amber eyes)
Laurent Von Noon (A large lilac spotted tabby longhaired oriental tom with ghost spot markings and green-yellow eyes)
Lazarus (A large fawn ticked tabby tom with primal markings & orange eyes)
Lilyripple (A leggy calico van she-cat with green eyes)
Longdawn (A large, broken mackerel, dilute apricot colored longhaired tabby with green eyes)
Lucille Von Noon (A long limbed, silver spotted tabby longhaired oriental she-cat with pale green eyes)
Maplesprig (A cream van tom with a kinked tail)
Mistystep (A pale gray tabby bicolor she-cat with amber eyes)
Moorspeck (A red and brown classic tortie bicolor she-cat with hazel eyes)
Nettlesky (A longhaired primal ticked torbie with brilliant green eyes)
Nightwalk (A lean dark gray classic tabby with with a fluffy tail and bright green eyes)
Oakbound (A scarred, brown ticked tomcat with copper eyes and mangled tail)
Oakfoot (A brown classic tabby bicolor tom with green eyes and scarred ears)
Pending Dam (Dam will be created after approval)
Pending Sire (Sire will be created after approval)
Petalstorm (A torbie point she-cat with mid-length fur and pale blue eyes)
Redspine (A longhaired red tabby with copper eyes)
Reedstorm (A large chocolate mink tom with a scarred shoulder and aqua eyes)
Rowanstone (A spotted red tabby point she-cat)
Roy (A huge black grizzled ticked tabby tom with gold eyes)
Salmonclaw (A large, longhaired orange bicolor tom with a torn left ear, bobbed tail and dark amber eyes.)
Shalefury (A gray primal ticked tabby tom)
Silverears (A longhaired gray primal ticked tabby with amber eyes and tufted ears)
Skyeyes (A calico tabby longhaired she-cat with brilliantly blue eyes)
Snowstep (A longhaired white she-cat with blue eyes)
Speckledfrost (A dilute tortoiseshell she-cat with gray eyes)
Swiftstripe (A gray mackerel tabby bicolor tabby tom with copper eyes)
Tallstride (A leggy longhaired white tom with a short tail and yellow eyes)
Thrushwings (A lanky dark brown tom with gold eyes)
Venus (A velvet furred spotted, lynx point sepia half-Bengal half-Burmese tabby)
Whisperingdove (A lean, longhaired blue tabby point she-cat with pale green eyes)
Willowbranch (A longhaired tortoiseshell she-cat with white paws)
Willowfrost (A small, shorthaired silver tabby she-cat with slightly tufted ears)
Wrentalon (A muscular brown tabby tom with hazel eyes and a scarred shoulder)
Paternal Siblings:
Brackenwing (A brown non-binary mackerel tabby with green eyes)
Maternal Siblings:
Quailcall (A small red ticked bicolor she-cat with large ears and whispery voice)
Kestrelswipe (A fit, chocolate broken mackerel tabby tom with yellow eyes)
Savagefox (A svelte green-eyed tom with a red tabby bicolor pelt)
Other Family:

Goldenstar is open for biological connections, though he cannot have kittens any younger than the moon after his death.

Offspring Parents Grand-parents
Goldenstar Unknown Sire ()
Unknown Dam ()
Significant Cats
Moosestar (A lanky, dark brown tom with yellow eyes and ripped-up ears)


Preceded by Lilystar
Succeeded by Moosestar

Notes & Additional Details
Parent Pool: This character is a part of the Parent Pool.
Genetics: This character has been assigned a genetic code.
Bans Data: Goldenstar has been compiled into the bans records.
Goldenstar is a Male Cat with a Red Non-color restricted pelt of Long Normal textured hair. They are of Large Size and Common build. Their eyes are Yellow and ears are Normal. Their tail is Normal, with Normal paws and Normal legs. They are of Non-purebred descent.

2 thoughts on “Goldenstar”

  1. >History

    “While not known for his bloodline, he was considered a staple because he was a big part of stopping the cycle of hyper aggression and violence Thunderclan had endured since Bloodstar. ”

    Thunderclan’s hyper violent streak began with Bloodstar’s sire, Fiercestar, but once Bloodstar died and passed the clan to his son, also named Fiercestar, is when it started to become less aggression-centric. You could change the mention it as a ‘continuation of the younger Fiercestars ways’.

    Just wanted to note the one thing.

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